Monday, October 22, 2012

Hard as nails (#product #review) | RockMad & Sweetum's

10/30 towards the experiment.

Okay, so first up I have to think can I write 400 words on the subject of NAILS? This one could be on the limit? How long can one ?wabble? (oh that?s a Ree word by the way) on about nails and nail products for? Well it is me and I did just do a post on nothing, so nails should be easy peasy lemon squeezy (movie quote from Austin Powers PEOPLE *sigh*). So since I have already knocked over 80 of them thinking out loud to you all I am thinking I can?!?

I was a little ill few years back, this resulted in losing some of the hair and my nails becoming paper-thin it didn?t even look like I had any. Now that the leaper stage of my life is behind me YAY! I do not wish to return there I am a little on the side of caution and I only use products that won?t cause any harm to either. I have to admit I get a pedicure?every few weeks. I don?t know about you, but the polish doesn?t last long and my pretty nails can go from Queen to street-walker within as little as 24 hours from walking out the nail bar door! Well spent money there!


I have tried everything, different brands, doing it myself, getting the professionals to do it weekly, THE WORKS. The chipping can start from within 5 minutes to as long as 4 days? I get to the point where the chipping starts that I then help it along and start picking the rest off. Can?t help myself, it?s almost addict like popping the bubble wrap! Once you start you just can?t stop. POP POP pick pick whats the difference!

A few mates have started to use the new ?shellac? nail polish craze that has hit not only those almost comedic shopping channels on the box, but the shelves in the beauty aisle and also at the nail bars as well! As I do with anything before I go out and try it, I go online and check out the reviews. Most were positive. Then I started to find a few that were informing people of pit falls to getting the treatment done. ARRHHHHH I hate this, now I have to work out are these just whining people who it doesn?t matter what it is, they bitch for the sake of bitching ? oh they are out there I have met a few and I have a few as mates! YOU so know the ones I am talking about. For example, beautiful day, blue skies, not to warm not to hot ? my mate looks about first thing out of her mouth ?oh look too many people out today, what they don?t work?? HELLO your out with them?!? You can?t win, and I don?t try.

For weeks I have been hearing great things from one girlfriend (she isn?t a whiner but normally doesn?t glow on about stuff either). She is a recent convert to the shellac nailer?s. Me being a great mate has waited until she has gotten it done a few times. Waiting to see if what I read online from the whiner?s would happen to her. Yeah I?m a nice friend aren?t I!

So her nails haven?t gotten some totally grossed out fungus (think that whiner needs to learn to wash hands after flushing!), her nails are not weak after she has gotten the polish taken off (that whiner was just whining for the sake of it I think), no she hasn?t had problems getting the polish off as she had it applied at a nail bar so she had it taken off the same way (that was a cheap-o whiner I?m thinking) and yes it hasn?t chipped or gotten dull looking after a week of applying (now that whiner I think didn?t get shellac but thought she did!).

So yesterday, while out and about in the shops walking around with my birthday boy Sweetum?s, I took the shellac leap. I have been shellac-ed (yep I know that isn?t a word but it sounded right in my inner monologue to me ? so I wrote it). For all those who have put off getting their nails done, just wait until next month, I will let you know if my nails have fallen off or not! Oh the only thing I will say is, WOW when you first put your hands under the black light. Watch out for the HEAT. Just as well it is only for 30 seconds is all I can say. The second and third coats aren?t as hot. The pain we got through for beauty!

from street-walker but to QUEEN

So, the word of the day was just dam too hard to work into my beauty routine. So instead I am going to use the word of the day with ending this post with a quote (that just happens to have the word within ? cheating some say but I don?t).

?I could no longer doubt the doom prepared for me by my monkish ingenuity in torture. My cognizance of the pit had become known to the inquisitorial agents?the pit whose horrors had been destined for so bold a recusant as myself?the pit, typical of hell, and regarded by rumor as the Ultima Thule of all their punishments.? ?- Edgar Allan Poe, The Pit and the Pendulum.

HEY you could say that was?describing how we torture ourselves for the sake of beauty ? at a push? ?Still got it in there so there. ?Only 20 more to go!




  1. (in 16th to 18th century England) a person, esp. a Roman Catholic, who refused to attend the services of the Church?of England.
  2. a person who refuses to submit, comply, etc. (AKA ME)
  3. (adj.)of or characteristic of a recusant.

-33.867487 151.206990

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