Thursday, January 26, 2012

Guarded Optimism for Some Iowans After Obama's Address (ContributorNetwork)

Here are Iowans' thoughts on Barack Obama's 2012 State of the Union address on Tuesday:

"I felt optimistic after hearing President Obama's State of the Union address last night. I applaud Obama for telling the Congress that they need to pass bills to help the American people and the need of the government to tight their belts was refreshing. I'm definitely tired of the rich feeling run the country. Obama has presented himself as being the president of the people not the president of the rich." -- Tylor Hoodjer, welder, Cedar Falls

"I was very impressed with Obama's State of the Union address. I looked forward to hearing him speak and telling the American citizens how he felt the country was fairing. Listening to his words, I noted that he has swung more on the conservative side using bipartisanship as the reason. To me, this is simply meeting in the middle on issues that directly affect the working class. Obama's statement about the worst of the recession is now over is a statement I feel he should re-evaluate. Living in the Midwest, I definitely feel we are still in a full blown recession. I'm still looking for the day that jobs are easy to find and then land." -- Brittney Harms, manager, Ackley

"I have been listening to the Republican stand on many issues. This includes Ron Paul's campaign platform to eliminate five government entities. I heard President Obama state that the government must tighten their belts to help reduce the national deficit. This was a good statement but I did not hear specifics on how he plans on doing that. Obama proposed to freeze annual domestic spending over the next five years. This is all fine and good but in freezing spending cuts need to be made. I would like to hear a solid plan on how this is to be accomplished." -- Debra Kurth, secretary, Ackley

"I would like to applaud President Obama for an excellent State of the Union address. Solid statements were made within the speech on how the American people have sustained themselves over the last several hard years. I also heard President Obama state that he will sign solid bills that the Congress passes. I am extremely upset with the stonewalling the Congress has done on critical issues over the past three years that would have helped the American people." -- Claudia Campbell, scheduler, Cedar Falls

"I happened to listen to part of the State of the Union address and felt Obama did a nice job in speaking but I was not impressed with his speech. It is time that Obama gets off his duff and gets angry with the Congress. Isn't it time that the government must stay within their budget. I'm so tired of hearing about the national deficit it isn't funny. I just want to live happily without struggling week to week." -- Norm Houston, self-employed, Eldora


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